According to the different styles of the commutator and various internal locking designs, Juicer Motor commutator is divided into an integral commutator and a flat commutator. The integral commutator is cylindrical and the copper strip is parallel to the hole. It is characterized by simple structure and manufacturing efficiency. high. There are three basic styles of integral commutators: copper and mica, mica moulded and moulded shells. The planar commutator looks like a fan, with copper bars with a fan cross section perpendicular to the hole.You can rest assured to buy customized Juicer Mixer Switch Motor Commutator
Tha an neach-siubhail motair air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an innealan cumhachd, innealan taighe, càraichean, motaran baidhsagal-motair agus raointean eile; tha diofar shònrachaidhean agus mhodalan aig fàinneachan cruinneachaidh, luchd-gleidhidh bhruis gualain, bùird uèiridh.
Measgadair Juicer Switch Motor commutator